June 30, 2019

Recife takes lead in the ICLEI network in South America (in Portuguese)

The mayor of Recife, Geraldo Júlio, drew international attention to climate issues in Brazil by raising climate commitment in one of Brazil’s largest cities. With its […]
June 28, 2019

Urban-LEDS city Fortaleza receives representatives of International Development Cooperation from the European Commission

On 28 June 2019, the Deputy Mayor of Fortaleza – Moroni Torgan, accompanied by the Secretary of Urbanization and Environment – Águeda Muniz, received the Director-General […]
June 24, 2019

Rwandan Cities Localise Planning for a Low Emissions Development Trajectory

Urban-LEDS ll Training and capacity building on community-scale greenhouse gas inventories for officials from the districts of Muhanga and Rubavu, and the City of Kigali As […]
June 12, 2019

Unpacking Integrated MRV in South Africa

In order to unpack the opportunities and challenges the different spheres of government are faced with during the process of developing a greenhouse gas inventory, ICLEI […]
June 10, 2019

Registration opened for ICLEI’s online training on GHG emissions inventory elaboration (in Portuguese)

Registration for participation in the online training on Municipal GHG emissions inventory that will start next Monday July 17 is opened. The three days training is […]
May 31, 2019

Rwandan Cities Develop Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessments

The Rwanda National Risk Atlas highlights five disaster risks that are prevalent in Rwanda and four of them are related to climate namely, drought, landslides, floods, […]
May 22, 2019

Bogor City Mayor meets with Director of ICLEI’s carbonn Center

Bogor, Indonesia – Director of ICLEI’s carbonn Center and Manager of ICLEI’s Low Emission Development Pathway, Ms. Maryke van Staden together with ICLEI Southeast Asia led the […]
May 20, 2019

Urban-LEDS cities mobilize

For practical knowledge exchange on ambitious low-emission projects From 17 to 24 June 2019 Urban-LEDS European cities will host their counterparts from Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, India, […]
May 10, 2019

Bogor City renews commitment to implement Urban-LEDS II

Bogor, Indonesia – The Program and Activity Plan between Yayasan ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability Indonesia and Bogor City was formally signed last 07 May 2019 in […]
April 29, 2019

Indonesia and Laos Exchange on Low Emission Development, completed

From the port city of Balikpapan to the rainy city of Bogor, Lao cities learn about various urban low emission development strategies (urban-LEDS) implemented in Indonesia […]
April 23, 2019

National agencies and city representatives discuss collaboration towards achieving Indonesia’s Climate Commitment

Jakarta, Indonesia – Yayasan ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability Indonesia, together with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), the Association of Indonesian Municipalities (APEKSI), and Sustainable Districts […]
April 20, 2019

DKI Jakarta showcases public transport, climate village to other IDN cities and regencies

Jakarta, Indonesia – Around 30 participants representing local governments across Indonesia took part in a mobile workshop on public transportation services and citizen engagement last April […]
March 14, 2019

XVI National Meeting explores Sustainable Energy and Innovation in Brazilian Capitals (in Portuguese)

The Municipality of Florianópolis, Konrad Adenauer Foundation and ICLEI South America will hold from 14 – 16 April 2019, the XVI National Meeting of the Forum […]
March 5, 2019

Synergies between Urban-LEDS II and CoM SSA in a snapshot

The Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) is funded by the European Union and is the regional Covenant of the Global Covenant of Mayors […]
February 28, 2019

Government And Partners Lay A Pathway For Sustainable Urban Development In Rwanda

Key Outcomes On Urban Resilience And Climate Change From 3rd National Urban Forum In Rwanda After two successful National Urban Forums (NUFs), the Third National Urban […]
February 19, 2019

Enhancing the multi-level governance on LEDS in Lao PDR

In preparation for the implementation of the Urban-LEDS II project in Lao PDR, a Vertical Integration study was conducted to map out the institutional and policy […]